10260 Baltimore National Pike; Ellicott City, MD 21042
Our Services

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

Let us help you today!
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

Improving the Lives of Each Client

Our licensed and certified Speech-Language Pathologists & Certified Orofacial Myologists use a structured, client-centered approach to improve each client’s oral motor, chewing, swallowing, & eating difficulties. Sessions occur in 30 min increments. In each session, 25-28 min is direct & indirect treatment with the client & caregivers for training in home exercise plan/carryover and 3-5 min is reserved for questions, answers, & clean-up/disinfection.

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Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy Services
See How We Help People in Ellicott City MD and Howard County with Eating
Oromyofunctional treatment is appropriate for clients who are 4 years & older & focuses on 4 related areas:
Eliminating any inappropriate chewing (on clothing or other items) or thumb &/or finger sucking (digit) habits.
Oral Resting Posture: nasal breathing, lips closed, teeth slightly apart, & tongue resting lightly on the roof of the mouth (palate).
Chewing (mastication) of foods, management/collection of this chewed food (food bolus), & transfer (oral transit) of the food/liquid from the mouth (oral cavity) to the throat (pharynx).
Balancing, alignment, range of movement, stability, control, coordination, & dissociation of the orofacial muscles (cheeks, jaw, lips, & tongue).
How it helps?

Committed to the best possible care

For children

Direct treatment will occur via play & fun tasks at the table or on the floor. Often, we use visual picture/word schedules so that each client can see what will occur during the session. We utilize sensory-motor techniques as indicated during treatement. As appropriate, we employ Beckman stretches, Talk Tools hierarchies, PROMPTs, & a variety of other traditional and state-of-the-art therapy techniques as well to help each client improve their skills. It’s vital that clients and their caregivers understand what, how, & why to practice these skills at home for continued improvements. 

For adults

During direct treatment, a client will participate in learning about how/why their orofacial muscles are dysfunctional & how best to improve the alignment, balancing,  range of movement, stability, control, coordination, & dissociation of the orofacial muscles (cheeks, jaw, lips, & tongue). The home exercise carryover program is a vital part of the therapeutic process.


Online Services Available as Appropriate

Speech-Language & Orofacial Myofunctional Treatment, Sign Language, Reading, Play, & Pragmatic Intervention, Remote sessions available after the initial evaluation appointment! Call us today to schedule the evaluation appointment.
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