Play goes beyond mere enjoyment, playing a vital role in a child's health and development. From classic games like peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake to engaging activities like hide-and-seek and hopscotch, the diverse forms of play contribute significantly to a child's brain, body, and overall well-being.
Play goes beyond mere enjoyment, playing a vital role in a child's health and development. From classic games like peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake to engaging activities like hide-and-seek and hopscotch, the diverse forms of play contribute significantly to a child's brain, body, and overall well-being.
Play enhances the overall well-being of children and young people, benefiting their cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development.
Play provides a joyful avenue for parents to establish deep connections with their children while enjoying shared moments of fun and laughter.
Through play, children learn about the world and themselves.